Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blog 6: Geo-Spatial Web Applications

I had heard about Google earth prior to this class but never used the program until now. I never knew how easy it was to navigate all over the world and that you can even view locations in 3D.

With the assignment we did in class, we were able to create a map of at least 5 different locational areas that we wanted to point out. I chose to show a map of the campus at UML. I focused on important points that would be beneficial for all students to know. Such as, the campus recreation center, fox hall, suppa’s pizza and subs, Falmouth hall, and the new England consortium.

It only took a matter of minutes to create a map by plotting the necessary balloons to distinguish your travel points. I could then immediately save my map and upload onto my blog.

I think Google earth has a lot of potential and those who are unfamiliar with the program should take the time to understand how it works and how it can be beneficial for them. Even if you are not looking to make a map you can still look at all the different streets names and buildings just like using an online GPS for directions.

I also found it interesting to read about President Bush and his involvement with Google earth. He uses this program to check on his home in Texas rather than other means which shows how beneficial Google earth can have if you have the tools to utilize the program.

Here is an example of what Google earth looks like from a computer:

We also discussed in class how Google earth can affect how the world responds to natural disasters. The example from our course web page discussed the massive earth quake that affect japan in March of 2011. Google earth allowed its viewers to be able to research and track the events that happened by looking at the map of Japan through this program.

We also discussed that if a ship was to change course we would be able to be notified and see the change through Google earth. This would allow us to prevent potential dangers all over the world.

Lastly, we watched a video of a pilot controlling weaponry located in Afghanistan but he was actually sitting in the United States making his adjustments that appeared right on a large screen. Many videos have discussed how this technology can prevent threats on the U.S. boarders.

Some people may think they can log on to Google earth and search a location that they will see exactly what is going on in that moment in time. However, that is incorrect since it is not running on regular time. It use to take several years for the technology to update that would eventually be shown through these Google earth images. Now they are updated more often but not fast enough to be able to see what is going on while you are sitting in front of the computer.

For example, I searched fox hall on Google earth and I was able to see the parking lot next to the building and it did not have nearly as many vehicles are it did during the time I looked it up. Therefore, that image was taken from a previous date.

Overall, geo-spacial web applications are leading technological breakthroughs that can help keep our country safe but if it was to reach the hands of someone with the wrong intentions the outcome could be very dangerous and threaten people’s privacy.