Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog 1: Apple IPad 2

Over the past few years we have all noticed how much technology is affecting our lives. Especially for college students since we use it everyday whether it is for our classes or our own enjoyment. It is rare to see a student who does not own a iphone, ipod, laptop etc. Recently, the new electronic device of choice is the ipad 2. Since the holidays have recently passed I have noticed how many students received or purchased an ipad and use it during classes. I think that the ipad is very convenient if you know how to use it properly. For example, I would not suggest this product for my parents because they are not up to date and comfortable with using this type of technology. However, for college students it is easily mobile and has many apps and characteristics that are beneficial to use for both their personal and academic lifestyles. The ipad is a great tool to keep track of your schedule, type papers, listen to music, send e-mails, etc. I also believe that since technology is affecting our lives significalty that younger and younger crowds of people will begin to use these products. For example, you will see many middle school kids already owning an iphone with their parents help of course, but it shows how generations are changing and so is our technology.

I do not personally own a ipad 2 however I do have an ipod which in many ways it can be very similar. Of course it is much smaller, but I can still connect to the internet and use similar apps on my ipod.  I am still learning more about the product and I was able to watch this video from youtube to answer a few questions I had about it. Below you will be able to watch this video I have previously mentioned.

Looking into the history of the ipad it was first introduced 1983 and Apple has come a long way improving the product ever since. Below you will be able to see what the ipad originally looked like in 1983. Not only has Apple created many valued products but it is one of the most successful companies in the world. Apple has a very strong customer base with its products, for example, many customers will wait in line and/or pre-order the newest version of the iphone. With that said it is understandable as to why the ipad 2 has become such a successful and profitable product for Apple's customers.

Overall, I feel like the ipad 2 is a very appealing and successful product mainly for college students and individuals working full time. It is at an affordable price of roughly $500 which is significantly less than most laptops. It is light and easily portable with many different applications that suit your daily needs.  Many customers were very excited for the inroduction of the ipad 2 from the original ipad 1. The video I have posted below contains a lot of information on how the ipad and ipad 2 are different.